Contact Us

Ramgarhia Sikh Gurdwara
10-16 Neville Road
Forest Gate
London E7 9QX

Tel: 020 8552 9494

Office Hours

Monday to Friday 6:30 to 8:00 pm
Sunday 9:00 to 11:00 am

For all Inquiries and Bookings call

020 8552 9494

Ramgarhia Community Centre
270 Neville Road
Forest Gate
London E7 9QX

Ramgarhia Panjabi School
231 Plashet Road
Upton Park
London E13

Ramgarhia Elderly Centre
270 Neville Road
Forest Gate
London E7 9QX

Local Information

Nearest Underground stations: Upton Park or Plaistow

Buses from Upton Park: 104 or 238 towards Stratford get off at Upton Lane

Over Ground Stations: Forest Gate or Stratford

Buses from Forest Gate 325 to Prince Regent and get off at Plashet Road

Buses from Stratford: 104 for Manor Park and 238 to Barking and get off at Upton Lane